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Kingshill North Cirencester Gloucestershire

OAU, OAU Kingshill North Cirencester Gloucestershire. [Client Report] (Unpublished)

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In May and June 2006, Oxford Archaeology carried out a field evaluation at Kingshill North, Cirencester, Gloucestershire (centred on SP 0365 0250) on behalf of John Samuels Archaeological Consultancy) as part of
pre-determination archaeological works in advance of an outline planning application.
The location of the trenches was informed by the results of geophysical survey carried out by GSB Prospection, which proved to be predominantly reliable in the identification of archaeological features.
The vast majority of archaeological features and finds were in the central and western part of the site.
The evaluation revealed evidence for early Bronze Age activity, which comprised a crouched inhumation and associated beaker funerary vessel.
Additionally, a ring gully was identified which appeared to enclose at least one central burial, both the gully and the grave backfill also producing beaker pottery. There was potential for other ‘satellite’
burial(s) within the ring gully, although only partially revealed within the confines of the trenches. Additionally, a supine inhumation was recorded
with the hindquarters of a sheep or goat placed by the skull, although no datable artefactual evidence was recovered. Given the position of the
burials on the edge of a prominent plateau, and the proximity of known barrow sites, it is possible that these burials form part of a larger cemetery.
There was also some evidence for late Iron Age activity, although the majority of the pottery recovered from these features was not particularly diagnostic and could date from the middle Iron Age to the late 1st century
AD. A number of postholes were identified, some of which appeared to be in a semi-circular configuration and may have represented part of a circular structure. Additionally, a large semi-circular enclosure with
possible internal divisions and potentially external partitions was recorded. Whilst definitive interpretation of these features was not possible, the Iron Age activity appeared to be domestic in character.
However, given the proximity of known barrow sites, and a neonate inhumation revealed at the intersection of two 1st century AD gullies, a ritual function for at least some of these features cannot be ruled out.
A relatively small amount of securely datable Roman artefactual evidence was recovered. In addition to the small assemblage from the upper fills of
some of the Iron Age features, a number of possible quarry pits also produced finds from the 1st century AD. The lack of Roman activity so close to Corinium would suggest that the site is on the periphery of the
Roman settlement and that the quarry pits may be associated with the construction of the adjacent Akeman Street and/or Fosse Way.
Evidence for post-medieval ridge and furrow cultivation was recorded in the south-western corner of the site as suggested by the geophysical survey.

Item Type: Client Report
Subjects: Geographical Areas > English Counties > Gloucestershire
Period > UK Periods > Bronze Age 2500 - 700 BC
Period > UK Periods > Roman 43 - 410 AD
Divisions: Oxford Archaeology South > Fieldwork
Depositing User: Scott
Date Deposited: 23 Apr 2013 14:08
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2013 14:08
URI: http://eprints.oxfordarchaeology.com/id/eprint/1073

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