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Bengal Street Block, Bee Hive Mills, Ancoats, Manchester- Archaeological Research, Survey and Assessment

Wild , Chris (2005) Bengal Street Block, Bee Hive Mills, Ancoats, Manchester- Archaeological Research, Survey and Assessment. [Client Report] (Unpublished)

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In July 2005 the Bengal Street block of the former Bee Hive Mills complex, situated on Bengal Street, Ancoats (centred on NGR SJ 8504 9875), was subjected to a catastrophic fire, which resulted in the complete loss of the building except for some fragmentary remains of the external walls. These surviving remnants incorporated some unusual design features, and elements of historic fabric that had been obscured by 20th century additions to the building. However, the unstable nature of these remains necessitated their complete demolition prior to any works associated with the future redevelopment of the site. In order to ensure that a record of these remains was compiled prior to their ultimate loss, it was recommended that a programme of archaeological survey was undertaken in advance of demolition.
In response to a request from Mr J Wrigley of Nikal Investments in August 2005, Oxford Archaeology North undertook the recommended survey of the surviving remains. This was coupled with an archaeological watching brief that was maintained during demolition works, and an appropriate level of research that was intended to place the results of the fieldwork into their historical context. Furthermore, acting on the advice of the Greater Manchester Assistant County Archaeologist, an archaeological desk-based assessment of the site and the adjoining property has been undertaken. This aimed to identify the potential for buried remains of archaeological significance within the study area, and was intended to support a future planning application for the redevelopment of the site.
The survey of the mill focused upon the surviving structural elements of the former Bengal Street block, which comprised part of the north and east external elevations and a small stub of the western wall. The survey also incorporated elements of the southern (internal) elevation of what appears to have been a part of the building associated with the steam-power plant. Examination of the surviving fabric yielded evidence for various phases in the developmental sequence of the building, and identified an unusual heating system. The results obtained from the survey were enhanced by observations made during an archaeological watching brief that was maintained during emergency demolition works.

Item Type: Client Report
Subjects: Geographical Areas > English Counties > Greater Manchester
Divisions: Oxford Archaeology North
Depositing User: Users 15 not found.
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2015 11:40
Last Modified: 25 May 2023 09:37
URI: http://eprints.oxfordarchaeology.com/id/eprint/2301

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