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Romano-British Remains relating to the Bath House and Mansio at Pinfold Lane, Godmanchester

Hinman, Mark (1998) Romano-British Remains relating to the Bath House and Mansio at Pinfold Lane, Godmanchester. [Client Report] (Unpublished)

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Between August 1997 and April 1998 the Archaeological Field Unit of Cambridgeshire County Council undertook a scheme of test pitting and a subsequent recording brief on a building plot adjacent to 2 Pinfold Lane. Test Pitting established the presence and level of surviving archaeological deposits allowing the design of a mitigation strategy for the preservation in-situ of the remains. During observation of the stripping of the building footprints three medieval pits were revealed cut into a late or possibly post Roman layer. The partial reopening of past excavation trenches, attributable to Charles and Michael Green, revealed evidence for possible structural features from the Romano-British period. These structures are on the same alignment as the adjacent bath house and mansio with one notable exception: a beamslot relating to a timber-framed construction following a different alignment was revealed in Area 1. Evidence of medieval agriculture was also noted. Although excavation was not within the remit of the brief, this project has served to highlight a number of important issues, most notably the current lack of published material by previous excavators within this archaeologically important town from the prehistoric to the post medieval periods and the implications of this lack of information on current, developer-funded, excavations.

Item Type: Client Report
Uncontrolled Keywords: Godmanchester, Pinfold Lane, Cambridgeshire, Romano-British, Medieval, Archaeological Evaluation, watching brief, preserved in-situ, michael green, bath house, mansio, structure, structural features, roman, post roman, post-Roman, pit, test pit, beamslot, alignment, timber-framed building, timber, agriculture
Subjects: Geographical Areas > English Counties > Cambridgeshire
Period > UK Periods > Medieval 1066 - 1540 AD
Period > UK Periods > Roman 43 - 410 AD
Depositing User: Archives
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2018 09:00
Last Modified: 21 Aug 2018 09:00
URI: http://eprints.oxfordarchaeology.com/id/eprint/4118

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