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Doverdale Solar Farm, Droitwich, Worcestershire

Fletcher, Rosie Doverdale Solar Farm, Droitwich, Worcestershire. [Client Report] (Unpublished)

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Oxford Archaeology was commissioned by JBM Solar Projects 3 Ltd to
undertake a trial trench evaluation at the site of a consented solar farm
development at Doverdale, Droitwich, Worcestershire. The work comprised
the excavation of 63 trenches distributed across the development area. The
fieldwork was undertaken in late August and early September 2022.
A preceding geophysical survey undertaken in 2020 detected a group of
anomalies of probable archaeological origin in the south of the site. These
were interpreted as a rectilinear enclosure with several internal features and
an associated L-shaped enclosure to the south. The geophysical survey also
identified historic field boundaries and other indications of postmedieval/
modern agricultural activities across the site.
The evaluation trenching identified archaeological remains dating to the
middle Iron Age in the southern part of the site, next to a confluence of two
small streams. Enclosure ditches were revealed in four trenches which
corresponded closely with the plotted rectilinear and L-shaped anomalies
identified by geophysical survey. A ditch that appeared to reflect a small subenclosure
was also revealed extending into the interior of the rectilinear
enclosure, in addition to three shallow pits and a posthole. A further undated
posthole was identified c 0.8m east of the rectilinear enclosure. A series of
rectilinear anomalies to the east of the enclosure were not identified during
evaluation but their comparable alignment suggests that, if real, they could
reflect an eastwards extension of the enclosure complex.
The finds assemblage comprised a small collection of middle Iron Age
Malvernian ware and three fragments of fired clay; minimal animal bone was
recovered. Overall, the area around Trenches 15-21 appears to have been a
focus of settlement activity during the middle Iron Age.
The remainder of the site was largely devoid of archaeological remains and
apart from two highly abraded sherds of Roman and medieval pottery, the site
showed only widespread evidence for agricultural activity from the medieval
period onwards.

Item Type: Client Report
Subjects: Period > UK Periods > Iron Age 800 BC - 43 AD
Period > UK Periods > Iron Age 800 BC - 43 AD > Middle Iron Age 400 - 100 BC
Geographical Areas > English Counties > Worcestershire
Divisions: Oxford Archaeology South > Fieldwork
Depositing User: Scott
Date Deposited: 18 May 2023 13:51
Last Modified: 18 May 2023 13:51
URI: http://eprints.oxfordarchaeology.com/id/eprint/7112

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