Gorniak, Mariusz Cawston Extension Rugby Warwickshire. [Client Report] (Unpublished)
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Oxford Archaeology (OA) was commissioned by CgMs Consulting to undertake an
evaluation of land known as Cawston Extension, Rugby, Warwickshire (centred on
NGR SP 46830 73300). A total of 67 evaluation trenches were excavated across the
site. The work was carried out between 4th November and 6th December 2013.
The evaluation confirmed the presence of two rectangular enclosures in the north of
the site, known from a previous geophysical survey. No artefactual material was
recovered but it is thought likely that they date to the Iron Age. A pit containing a
saddle quern which may be of a similar date was also present to the south of the
enclosures. A number of other features were also recorded which may date to the
later prehistoric period, including a possible roundhouse gully, but none produced
any dating evidence.
A ditch produced a single sherd of abraded Roman pottery which is likely to be
residual in nature. No other Roman material was present.
Towards the south of the site, a pit containing cremated human remains was found.
Again, it was undated but a second pit nearby contained several sherds of possible
early Saxon, or possibly later prehistoric, pottery: the two features may be
Evidence of medieval agriculture was widespread across the site in the form of the
remnants of furrows in many trenches, and was also recorded in the earlier
geophysical survey. Ridge and furrow is present as extant earthworks in the
southern part of the field.
The majority of the features recorded were undated although stratigraphic evidence
suggests that they pre-date, or are contemporary with, the agricultural use of the
site in the medieval period. The lack of artefactual material suggests an agricultural
origin for these features.
Item Type: | Client Report |
Subjects: | Period > UK Periods > Iron Age 800 BC - 43 AD Period > UK Periods > Roman 43 - 410 AD Geographical Areas > English Counties > Warwickshire |
Divisions: | Oxford Archaeology South > Fieldwork |
Depositing User: | Scott |
Date Deposited: | 23 Jun 2015 13:57 |
Last Modified: | 23 Jun 2015 13:57 |
URI: | http://eprints.oxfordarchaeology.com/id/eprint/2530 |